June 2018

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5 Reasons Business Travellers Love Serviced Apartments

According to One Touch Property Investment serviced apartments are becoming more and more popular. They claim that much of this increase can be attributed to globalisation and the need for business staff to travel more regularly between office locations. Why do business staff prefer serviced apartments to other alternatives such as staying in a hotel […]

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What Is Gray Hat SEO? Find Out Why It’s a Must for Your Business

All businesses can benefit from making use of SEO, or Search Engine Optimization. This leads to your business popping up more often on search engines like Google. In this era of the internet, most people consult Google when they have a question or need a service. People are frequently looking up reviews, definitions, articles that

What Is Gray Hat SEO? Find Out Why It’s a Must for Your Business Read More »

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5 Reasons You Need to Provide a Solid and Well-Outlined Resume

It only takes a few seconds for your resume to create an impression on your prospective employer. These first few important seconds can make or break your chances of landing the career of your dreams. When you provide a solid and well-outlined resume your chances of landing the right job offer increase significantly. With more

5 Reasons You Need to Provide a Solid and Well-Outlined Resume Read More »

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9 Smart Ways Teachers Can Increase Their Earning Potential

Teaching is not known for being a lucrative career. There are numerous teachers who feel overworked, undervalued, stressed out and underpaid. It is not uncommon for teachers to start feeling as if they are stuck in dead-end jobs — but is this really the case? It’s possible that teachers may be overlooking some excellent opportunities

9 Smart Ways Teachers Can Increase Their Earning Potential Read More »

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11 Tips to Build a Stable Foundation for Your Finances

Everyone wants financial stability — living from paycheck to paycheck without a plan is extremely stressful and cannot be sustained long-term. Reducing that stress and building a foundation requires planning and good decision-making, and should be started as early in your life as possible. However, most of the following 11 tips can be applied by

11 Tips to Build a Stable Foundation for Your Finances Read More »

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Top 4 Things to Consider When Buying into Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrencies are extremely relevant in today’s financial world. They’re discussed quite frequently in business circles, the media, and at dinner parties. Digital currency has been compared to gold in the way that investing in it will diversify your investment portfolio. To an extent, this is true; it can be used to protect your investments from

Top 4 Things to Consider When Buying into Cryptocurrency Read More »

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4 Jobs That Will Remain Relevant Despite Automation Technology

Nobody works as a scribe any more; scribe jobs were largely eradicated by the technological innovation of the printing press around the year 1440. In much the same way, artificial intelligence is now rendering massive numbers of jobs obsolete. If you’re a college student, it’s more important than ever to consider how technology will affect

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4 Affordable Ways to Boost Your Business Website’s SEO Fast

On average, Google gets 67,747 searches per second (Internet Live Stats), the majority of them coming from mobile devices. It’s no wonder that SEO is priority for over 61% of marketers (HubSpot) and your business should definitely be among them. While hiring a specialized SEO agency is definitely nice, the majority of small businesses cannot

4 Affordable Ways to Boost Your Business Website’s SEO Fast Read More »

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Seven Tools Your New Startup Can Benefit From

Startups can benefit a lot from the modern technologies that society has available today. Using smart appliances that run on complex algorithms at the back-end and robust mobile applications that are rich in functionality, startups can drive costs down, improve workforce performance, increase the quality and quantity of output, and accelerate growth and progress of

Seven Tools Your New Startup Can Benefit From Read More »

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