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Standing at a Career Crossroads: 6 Signs the Company You are Applying for is a Good Fit

Many applicants forget that the job application process is as much about hiring managers and companies finding an employee that fits with the company as it is about the employee finding a company that matches its expectations. The goal in finding employment should be a scenario where both parties are a good match. Otherwise, inevitably,

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10 Tips for Proven and Successful Travel and Hospitality Email Marketing Campaigns

The travel and hospitality industry is a great success story when it comes to using email for acquiring new customers and growing revenues from seasoned travellers. Why? Principally, it’s about building deepening relationships based on trust and inspiration. Since the Internet enabled automated, personalised communication, this industry has forged ahead in creating what I consider

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Scoping a SOC2 Audit

In decades gone by, for service companies, conducting a Service Organization Control (SOC) 2 audit was considered more of a rite of passage that separated the biggest players in the market from the “others” category. “Wow, we have grown so prosperous that big and important clients now require that we do important things. We now

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What You Need to Know About Penetration Testing

If your organization frequently processes payment, then you’re obliged to comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security (PCS DSS). This regulation protects the sensitive cardholder information. The PCI DSS has several prescriptive elements, and you must perform penetration testing and choose the methods that will undoubtedly show that you have sufficient controls to protect

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Solving Rising Compliance Costs with Automation

Following the recent passing of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) 15th anniversary, retrospectives raised the issue of increasing cost of compliance. The cost of Compliance 2017 report was released earlier in April by Thomas Reuters, which offered some insights on the rising cost of compliance, stating that this cuts across all industries equally. The

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Tips To Find The Best Franchise With Low Fees For Your Investment and Profits

Cost is always the primary consideration that one has in mind whenever you decide to open a franchise business. Out of the numerous options that are available, you have to find the one that will maximize the capital that you put in. When you can choose the business that is right for you, you might

Tips To Find The Best Franchise With Low Fees For Your Investment and Profits Read More »

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