October 2019

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Every Penny Counts: How Small Businesses Can Slash Their Tax Bill

When you run a small business, every penny counts. That’s why saving money on your tax bill could be the difference between making it into the next year and not.  Taxes are, unfortunately, part and parcel of the business landscape. But businesses don’t have to drown under the weight of them. There are all kinds

Every Penny Counts: How Small Businesses Can Slash Their Tax Bill Read More »

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Two Solutions for Top Challenges Faced By Growing Businesses

If your company is experiencing rapid growth, you may enjoy new opportunities when it comes to funding, and your team might be given additional room to spread their wings. But excitement aside, it’s well worth getting to grips with the challenges that rapid growth can present and readying your business for the extra pressure presented

Two Solutions for Top Challenges Faced By Growing Businesses Read More »

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Eyeball Magnets on Demand: 8 Cutting-Edge Tips for Boosting Your Blog’s Social Shares

There are millions of blogs on the internet that don’t make money. Some of the best blogging sites have been around for years and still haven’t broken even. To make a blog successful, you have to keep visitors interested. Some tips work better than others, but these are the eight that will get the ball

Eyeball Magnets on Demand: 8 Cutting-Edge Tips for Boosting Your Blog’s Social Shares Read More »

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10 Ways on How Feedback Helps to Grow Leadership Skills

What is Leadership? Is it something related to command a few people? No, they are called bosses. Being a leader goes beyond a boss. Leaders motivate themselves and everyone else to go down the ethical path. They lay the foundation. They develop an inspirational ambition, and they build something revolutionary. They garner followership towards a

10 Ways on How Feedback Helps to Grow Leadership Skills Read More »

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2 Key Steps That Can Help Your Business Break Through Into The 21st Century

Sometimes it can be really tough for business owners, especially those that fall into a certain older age bracket, to bring their everyday workings into the 21st century. Modernising the way in which your company operates will not only help to increase your potential customers and profit margins, but could also help to improve the

2 Key Steps That Can Help Your Business Break Through Into The 21st Century Read More »

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You Are Not Solely Responsible For Your Business Image

It’s important to note that while you ARE responsible for everything to do with your business image, past certain informed decisions, you cannot predict everything. This is why it’s essential to protect yourself through careful research, through only moving forward when you are absolutely sure this is the right path forward, and generally ensuring you

You Are Not Solely Responsible For Your Business Image Read More »

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