October 2019

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Five tips for publishers to uplift yield

Modern technology capabilities provide publishers with different options to improve their inventory monetization. In this article, we are highlighting five ways to gain revenue from publishing activity at the maximum. These five practical tips might seem simple and obvious, however, the reality shows that there are still many market players who neglect them. So the

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Construction Fundamentals – Why You Need The Right Materials And Equipment On The Job

On too many worksites, a lack or the absence of proper equipment and materials leads to all kinds of problems. Nothing is more frustrating than being in the middle of a project, only to find that you cannot complete it because something is missing. Spending your time chasing down these materials and equipment is a

Construction Fundamentals – Why You Need The Right Materials And Equipment On The Job Read More »

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White Mountain Partners on How to Review Your Personal Finances

How often do you review your personal finances? If you’re like most people, your answer is Not Often Enough. Right? It’s hardly surprising. Reviewing our finances isn’t as fun as watching a movie or taking a trip to the beach. But there probably is time we could spare fo this revealing activity. How often should we

White Mountain Partners on How to Review Your Personal Finances Read More »

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Choosing the Right Tools to Work Remotely

As technology evolves so do the various jobs that rely on it. Working remotely has recently become a quickly growing trend due to major advancements in technology. Increases in high-speed internet accessibility, developments in remote software packages, and strong capabilities of online communication tools and Video Chat API have inspired many employees to leave the

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How is Sales Engagement Different from Customer Relationship Management?

You’ve probably seen the term “CRM” thrown around a lot when discussing sales and just business in general. Customer relationship management or CRM is seen as a necessary part of any company’s operations for maintaining customer relations and driving sales. CRM usually comes in the form of software that houses customer information in a database.

How is Sales Engagement Different from Customer Relationship Management? Read More »

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Working with What You’ve Got: 3 Proven Ways to Make the Most of Your Retail Space

The number of people who are shopping online for everyday needs and wants is increasing at a rapid pace. When buying online was first a possibility, it included clothing, jewellery, house decor, and unique items. Now just about anything can be purchased via the internet. Groceries, prescriptions, pet supplies, and electronics are all available online

Working with What You’ve Got: 3 Proven Ways to Make the Most of Your Retail Space Read More »

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