career development

psychometric tools

How Powerful Psychometric Tools Identify Your Hidden Weaknesses

This article explores how psychometric tools can help identify hidden weaknesses and why this process is vital for personal and professional advancement.

How Powerful Psychometric Tools Identify Your Hidden Weaknesses Read More »

Why Being Laid Off is Good

2 Big Reasons Why Being Laid Off is Good

This post delves into the multifaceted nature of layoffs, shedding light on why they happen, and more importantly, why being laid off is good.

2 Big Reasons Why Being Laid Off is Good Read More »

exit interview

A Useful Exit Interview Template made for Managers

An exit interview can uncover issues and provoke positive change. I offer you a practical exit interview template to conduct these interviews effectively.

A Useful Exit Interview Template made for Managers Read More »

Performance Review Template

A Performance Review Template (Tried and Tested)

A Tried & Tested Performance Review Template for you to use, and comprehensive guidelines on how to use it effectively with your employees.

A Performance Review Template (Tried and Tested) Read More »

How to Respond to a Recruiter on LinkedIn

This post will guide you through the process of how to respond to a recruiter on LinkedIn, ensuring you understand the nuances and make a great impression.

How to Respond to a Recruiter on LinkedIn Read More »

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250 Phrases for Effective Performance Reviews

These phrases are designed to provide clear, direct feedback while remaining constructive and encouraging. They serve as a bridge between the employer and the employee, promoting mutual understanding and setting the stage for continuous growth and improvement.

250 Phrases for Effective Performance Reviews Read More »

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Why I Started Resistance Training (Weight Lifting)

When I was in high school, I was a typical teenager who enjoyed playing video games and spending time with friends. But one thing I didn’t do was exercise. I never really developed an interest in physical activity and I certainly never considered resistance training as an option. As far as I knew, it was

Why I Started Resistance Training (Weight Lifting) Read More »

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Tips for Building a Strong Professional Network

Building a strong professional network is essential for success in business and career development. A strong professional network can open up countless opportunities for job seekers, entrepreneurs, and professionals. It can provide valuable resources and contacts, help you develop your skillset, and expand your knowledge base. However, building a powerful professional network takes more than

Tips for Building a Strong Professional Network Read More »

temp resume

Should you put professional membership on a resume?

When writing a resume, it is important to consider the value of including professional memberships. Professional memberships can demonstrate your commitment to an industry, as well as provide access to valuable resources and networking opportunities. While in some cases it may be beneficial to add professional memberships on your resume, there are certain types of

Should you put professional membership on a resume? Read More »

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Ways to Create A Better Workplace For Your Team

As a business leader, it is important to consider how you can create a better workplace for your team. You cannot expect your team to come in and excel every day without taking action to provide a welcoming, supportive and comfortable workplace and it is often issues in the workplace which leads employees to leave

Ways to Create A Better Workplace For Your Team Read More »

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How to Upgrade Your Warehouse Operations

There is no area that is more important than the warehouse, which is often referred to as the beating heart of a business. As any warehouse manager knows, this is also an incredibly complex area to manage and there are many things that can go wrong with so many different cogs working together. This is

How to Upgrade Your Warehouse Operations Read More »

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5 cracking career development tips

We spend the majority of our lives working, so there’s nothing worse than being stuck in a job role that’s leaving you feeling unfilled and demotivated. So if your career is in need of a much-needed boost, here are five cracking career development tips to help you climb the professional ladder. Set goals and objectives

5 cracking career development tips Read More »


7 Essential Steps To START an IT Career in a Recession

I wouldn’t want you to start your career off on the wrong foot, especially now the market is so damn tough. Too many opportunities in starting a career in IT are lost because of a lack of understanding of the market and the belief that your first job must be the ‘right job’. If Mr

7 Essential Steps To START an IT Career in a Recession Read More »

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