September 2020

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Off the Premises: Is The Conventional Workplace Dying?

In order to succeed in business, you need to have an infrastructure that drives profits while also identifying and eliminating wasteful expenditure. Of course, that doesn’t mean not spending money. Capital investment is one of the most common ways in which you can gain a leading edge over your competitors. But every expenditure needs to

Off the Premises: Is The Conventional Workplace Dying? Read More »

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4 Things to Consider When Choosing an Employer of Record

Many SMEs are choosing to utilize employers of record to handle their human resources functions. Their services are also essential for smaller businesses looking to expand into new markets without the financial or administrative burdens of founding a new legal entity. Here are four things to consider when choosing an employer of record. Their Reputation

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Never Stop Learning: 5 Tips to Motivate Yourself and the Ones Around You

It is extremely common for professionals who have a secure job to just go with the flow and miss out on several opportunities. This often happens because we think of learning and personal development as something we go through during the year of college and postgraduate.  The truth is that the moment you stop learning,

Never Stop Learning: 5 Tips to Motivate Yourself and the Ones Around You Read More »

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Reasons Your Business Processes Are Failing

With the best of intentions, not every business process can improve. Whether it’s in terms of technicalities, technological issues, or planning, there are many reasons business processes can fail. Let’s highlight the key areas where your business processes might be letting your business down. A Poor Organisational Culture The culture can be the overriding reason

Reasons Your Business Processes Are Failing Read More »

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Miracle Employee Engagement Strategies You Can Implement Today

Ensuring that employees remain engaged is a massive priority for businesses. Something like 50 percent of the workforce doesn’t feel actively engaged in what they’re doing, representing an enormous cost to individual companies and the economy as a whole.  The task, therefore, is to find ways to improve engagement and get employees pumped about what

Miracle Employee Engagement Strategies You Can Implement Today Read More »

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