Things to consider when becoming a working mom

Estimated reading time: 2 mins

If you decide to go back to work once your baby is born or even once your kids start school, there are several things you need to think about. It can be hard to juggle life at the best of times but once you add children into the mix, the logistics multiply. Here are some considerations when embarking on life as a working mom.

What job will you do?

If you have been on maternity leave then your old job should be there for you to go back to. What you need to consider is whether your original hours will suit your new priorities. Some moms decide to go back part-time or reduce their hours. Have a chat with your employer and see what can be agreed. Most will try and accommodate as much as possible. If you are embarking on a new challenge, take some time to consider what you would like to do and what would be a good fit for you and your family.

How close to home will you work?

The location of your job is very important. Commuting isn’t so much of an issue when it is just you that needs to be ready in the morning. However, you need to consider whether leaving the house at 7 am is going to be feasible with kids in tow. If your child is sick, how long will it take to get home? Sometimes a job closer to home can make a huge difference to the practicalities.

Who will look after the kids?

If your children are preschool age, you will need someone to look after them while you are at work. Some of us are lucky enough to have parents nearby. This can make things so much easier. Not only will the kids spend extra time with family but if you are running late it doesn’t matter too much.

If you don’t have any friends or family who can help out there are other options. Hiring a nanny is a very popular choice. A nanny can come to your home during mutually agreed hours, allowing you to head off for work. This can make things as stress-free as possible. Some agencies specialize in finding the right fit for your family although some people prefer to employ directly. If you are considering the latter, you must get some background checks carried out. Some also use the services of a private investigator to find out as much information as they can. After all, you want to be sure that the person looking after your little bundles of joy are who they say they are.

Enjoy your free time together

Working, bringing up kids and taking care of a home can be exhausting. That why it is important to allocate some quality time together. Whether it’s playing a game or watching a movie, family time is precious. Trying to be all things to all people is hard but seeing their little smiling faces when you get home from work makes it all worthwhile.

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