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Update: How To Find a Much Better IT Job, Even in Recession

Following my recent article, I’ve found an excellent article on the HBS Working Knowledge website which discusses the tendencies of women who are finding it easier to move jobs and maintain their star profile. This article shares the results of research that shows that females are generally more apt at switching jobs and preserving their ‘shine’, when

Update: How To Find a Much Better IT Job, Even in Recession Read More »

Is Virtualization a Buyer’s Market? Why it is a Real Opportunity for IT

The last six weeks have been an interesting time in the world of virtualization. In late June Microsoft released their final version of Hyper-V, their new virtualization platform built into Windows Server 2008. Hyper-V has been widely anticipated, as Microsoft’s absence from the enterprise virtual market has left VMWare and some smaller players free to

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Why I Prefer to Work with Darkworkers than ‘Greyworkers’

Lightworkers and Darkworkers are rare(ish) people who are polarized around a deeply ingrained intent. Lightworkers live and breathe to service humankind, whilst Darkworkers live and breathe to serve only themselves. The remainder of people on this earth could be described as Greyworkers, who tend not to know who they serve. I’ve written about Lightworkers and

Why I Prefer to Work with Darkworkers than ‘Greyworkers’ Read More »

Freelancers Tend to Have Their Head In The Sand (and Nine Free Course places available!)

The majority of freelancers in IT have their head in the sand, as far as their personal performance goes. IT leaders from across several industries have commented to me that freelancers tend to move from appointments without seeking feedback on their performance. It’s estimated that over 60% of freelancers do not receive regular feedback on

Freelancers Tend to Have Their Head In The Sand (and Nine Free Course places available!) Read More »

Can You Afford the Cloud?

Cloud Computing, where the architecture of your technology estate is based upon the integration of third-party technologies and services, is gaining momentum in the industry. It’s a natural extension of outsourcing where an organization uses technology within it’s own physical boundary (i.e. its data-center) but the technology is owned and operated by the vendor. The

Can You Afford the Cloud? Read More »

Enabling Action-Orientation with Collaborative Technologies

Web2.0 and collaborative technologies promise a new world of integrated thought leadership. However they are not without their flaws. There are three key weaknesses in the typical use of collaborative technologies. The weaknesses are in the way decisions are made that lead to action. Decisions are made by committees. The larger the group of contributors

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URGENT: Now Is The Time To Move Jobs If You Think You Are S**t Hot!

We’re in recession – it’s a golden opportunity! If you are master in your craft industry then don’t wait for the recession to end, now is the time to move. This advice might seem counter-intuitive because in hard times it’s natural to want to feel secure in your organization, and certainly take advantage of any severance

URGENT: Now Is The Time To Move Jobs If You Think You Are S**t Hot! Read More »

How IT Leaders Can Get The Most Out Of Developers

I am not going to take credit for all of this post… I was inspired by Esther Schindler ‘s article on CIO.COM titled ‘Managing and Motivating Developers: Tips for Management Cluefulness .’ The subject is close to my heart as over the last 8 years I’ve been doing exactly that. I’d also say that Esther’s

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You Must Industrialize IT to Secure your Organization’s Future

Can you afford to continue wasting time and resources by re-inventing the wheel and firefighting? This is the question many IT leaders are asking themselves in light of a downturn in financial markets and pressure to get more from less. Recent keynote addresses by companies like IBM and Forrester say that IT must move away

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Prepare for the Future of IT Organization, or Be Left Behind

I’ve just come from the Forrester IT Forum in Lisbon, Portugal, and discovered a number of insights that crystallized some thoughts I’d been having for a while. One of these insights that resonated especially was the future of IT Leadership and the potential fork in the road of the IT career path. During the last

Prepare for the Future of IT Organization, or Be Left Behind Read More »

The Implications of the Product Life-Cycle (Part Two)

This is a continuation of this previous article, which looks at the implications of the Product Life-Cycle. In the previous article, I discussed the phases Development, Introduction and Growth. Now onto Maturity. Maturity is the phase where the product is well established in the market in terms of market share and is turning a healthy profit for

The Implications of the Product Life-Cycle (Part Two) Read More »

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