Author name: Simon

Simon is a creative and passionate business leader dedicated to having fun in the pursuit of high performance and personal development. He is co-founder of Truthsayers Neurotech, the world's first Neurotech platform servicing the enterprise. Simon is also an Ambassador for Gloucestershire business. Simon is an Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Professional Development and Associate Member of the Agile Business Consortium.

Why Isn’t ‘Staying Employed’ in the Top Ten List of CIO Issues?

InformationWeek just announced the ‘Top Ten CIO Issues for 2009 ‘ and I was wondering why ‘Staying Employed’ didn’t feature on the list! If you believed everything you read in the newspapers or watched on TV, then we’ll all be out of work in 3 months. The economy will grind to a halt, so we’ll

Why Isn’t ‘Staying Employed’ in the Top Ten List of CIO Issues? Read More »

Book Review – The Naked Corporation: How the Age of Transparency Will Revolutionize Business

The main thrust of this title is to show us that the technology and the Internet is exposing the shenanigans of corporations more than ever before. Web2.0 and social media technologies allows information to flow almost unimpeded through viral channels, and can stem from valued customers, pissed off employees and corporate terrorists alike. Although it’s

Book Review – The Naked Corporation: How the Age of Transparency Will Revolutionize Business Read More »

fair raise

How To Ask For a Fair Raise or Pay Increase During a Recession

Asking for a raise during a recession can give good reason for your boss to think you’re totally out of touch with what’s happening in the global economy, or maybe they’ll think you’re just insensitive to business issues. It’s a risky thing to do. What if you’re struggling to make ends meet yourself; perhaps you

How To Ask For a Fair Raise or Pay Increase During a Recession Read More »

Essential Tips for non-US Freelancers Using Freelancer Marketplaces (e.g. Elance)

You might have learned this before – ALL freelancers should use Freelancer Marketplaces (such as Elance) for ALL their work (and somewhat obviously then) buyers who use freelancers should use them too. They bring to buyers and freelancers benefits that mustn’t be scoffed at. PROBLEM: The currency used is $USD, but what if you’re not

Essential Tips for non-US Freelancers Using Freelancer Marketplaces (e.g. Elance) Read More »

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