How to Deal with Being Ticked Off at Work

Estimated reading time: 3 mins

The workplace can sometimes be a beehive of tension and stress. There are moments when we find ourselves feeling aggravated, annoyed, or downright ticked off. This can be caused by a range of factors – an unbearable boss, an uncooperative colleague, a heavy workload, or just a bad day. How do we navigate these feelings and ensure they don’t affect our productivity or our wellbeing? Here’s a guide on how to deal with being ticked off at work.

Understand Your Emotions

The first step in dealing with annoyance at work is understanding your emotions. Sometimes, you may find yourself irked without understanding why. Identify the source of your frustration. Is it a specific person, an event, or is it related to your workload? Once you understand your emotions, you can more easily determine a path forward.

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Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a state of being fully present in the moment. It’s about acknowledging your feelings without judging them or trying to change them. Instead of ruminating about that snide comment your coworker made, concentrate on your work and being in the present moment. This practice can prevent you from spiraling into frustration.

Effective Communication

If the cause of your irritation is a person or a situation that’s within your control, effective communication can be the key to resolution. Speak directly to the person or bring up the issue in a team meeting. Express your feelings using “I” statements to avoid blame and keep the conversation positive. For instance, you might say, “I feel overwhelmed when I receive last-minute tasks.” This approach will let your colleagues understand your perspective without feeling attacked.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to recognize and manage your emotions and the emotions of others. By mastering emotional intelligence, you can better handle work relationships, manage stress, and improve communication. Recognizing that your emotions don’t define you or the situation is crucial. Being annoyed is not a permanent state of being; it’s a temporary reaction to a specific circumstance.

Physical Activity

It might seem unrelated, but physical activity can significantly influence your emotional state. Exercise releases endorphins, chemicals that act as natural mood lifters. The next time you’re feeling ticked off, take a short walk, stretch, or do a quick workout during your break. It can help you clear your mind and reduce feelings of annoyance.

Seek Support

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It’s not always possible to manage feelings of frustration on your own. If you’re struggling with being constantly irritated at work, it might be helpful to seek support from your HR department, a mentor, or a counselor. They can provide a fresh perspective on your situation and offer valuable advice on managing your feelings and mental wellbeing.


Remember, your physical and emotional health are intimately connected. Regular self-care is crucial in managing workplace frustrations. This includes eating healthy, getting adequate sleep, and making time for relaxation and leisure activities. A well-rested and well-nourished body is more resilient to stress and frustration.


Setting boundaries can prevent you from being overwhelmed, thus reducing instances of feeling ticked off. This can include not checking emails after a certain hour, setting clear guidelines about your availability, and prioritizing tasks to avoid overwork.

Think Positive

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Positive thinking is a powerful tool. When we’re ticked off, it’s easy to fall into a negativity trap where everything seems worse than it is. But positive thinking can help change your perspective. Instead of focusing on what’s going wrong, think about what’s going well. This shift in thinking can lead to better mood and increased productivity.

Conflict Resolution Skills

Workplace frustrations often result from conflicts with colleagues. Therefore, having good conflict resolution skills can help reduce instances of annoyance. This includes being open to different perspectives, finding common ground, and striving for compromise.


Workplace frustrations are a common occurrence, but they don’t have to overwhelm you. By understanding your emotions, practicing mindfulness, communicating effectively, exercising emotional intelligence, seeking support, practicing self-care, setting boundaries, thinking positively, and honing your conflict resolution skills, you can effectively navigate feelings of being ticked off at work. Remember, it’s okay to have bad days. The key is not letting those days overshadow the good ones and to manage your feelings constructively. You’re not alone in your frustrations, and with the right strategies, you can overcome them.

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