Redundant Degree Subjects You Might Still be Studying

Estimated reading time: 3 mins

The world is constantly evolving, with technological advancements and shifting societal values transforming various industries and reshaping the job market. As a result, some degree subjects that were once highly valued may now be considered redundant or less relevant than they once were. However, these subjects may still be offered by universities, and students may still be pursuing them, unaware of their diminished value in the current job market. In this article, we’ll explore some of these redundant degree subjects and discuss why their relevance has waned in today’s world.

1. Library and Information Science

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With the rise of digital technology and the internet, the role of libraries and librarians has changed dramatically. While libraries still exist and serve an essential function in communities, the demand for professionals trained exclusively in traditional library science has decreased. Today’s librarians require a broader skill set, including expertise in digital resources, data management, and information technology, making a traditional library science degree less relevant than it once was.

2. Print Journalism

The decline of print media has been widely documented, with many newspapers and magazines transitioning to digital platforms or closing altogether. While journalism as a profession remains relevant, a degree specifically focused on print journalism may not provide the skills and versatility needed to succeed in the rapidly evolving media landscape. Students interested in journalism should consider pursuing degrees that emphasize digital media, multimedia storytelling, and social media management.

3. Travel and Tourism

The travel and tourism industry has undergone significant changes in recent years, largely due to the widespread use of online booking platforms and review sites. While there will always be a need for professionals in the travel industry, a degree focused solely on traditional travel agency operations may not prepare graduates for the competitive, technology-driven market. Instead, students should consider degrees that incorporate hospitality management, digital marketing, and sustainable tourism practices.

4. Textile Design

Textile design, which involves the creation of patterns and designs for fabrics and other materials, has seen a decline in demand due to the rise of automation and computer-aided design (CAD) tools. While creativity and artistic ability will always be valuable, a degree in textile design may not provide the technical skills needed to succeed in the modern design industry. Students interested in this field should consider programs that incorporate CAD, graphic design, and sustainable materials.

5. Postal Services Management

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As email and electronic communication have become the norm, the demand for traditional postal services has declined. Consequently, a degree in postal services management is now less relevant than it once was. Students interested in logistics and operations should consider broader degrees in supply chain management or business administration.

6. Radio and Television Broadcasting

The rise of streaming services, podcasts, and online content has disrupted traditional radio and television broadcasting. While there is still a need for skilled professionals in these fields, a degree focused solely on traditional broadcasting may not provide the versatility needed to succeed in today’s media landscape. Students interested in radio and television should consider degrees in digital media, communications, or multimedia production.

7. Secretarial Studies

Advancements in technology and changes in workplace expectations have diminished the demand for traditional secretarial roles. While administrative skills are still valuable, a degree in secretarial studies may not provide the diverse skill set required for modern office environments. Instead, students should consider degrees in business administration or office management, which can provide a broader foundation in organizational skills, communication, and technology.


While the degree subjects discussed in this article may have become less relevant in today’s job market, it’s essential to recognize that they still offer some value and may provide a foundation for further education or career development. Students should carefully consider their career goals and research the demand for specific degrees and professions before making a decision.

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