Social Selling: A Guide to Taking Advantage of the New Customer Journey

Estimated reading time: 3 mins

The concept of social selling has become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. With ever-evolving customer journeys, an effective social selling strategy is key to success in today’s digital world. This article will provide an overview of what social selling is, how it can be used effectively, and provide strategies for taking advantage of the new customer journey.

What is Social Selling?

At its core, social selling is about using digital channels such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and other platforms to build relationships with potential customers and develop trust between you and your target audience. This can be done by sharing valuable content that provides solutions to their problems or insights into industry trends. It also involves engaging in conversations with customers on these platforms to build relationships and get a better understanding of their needs.

The goal of social selling is not just to make a sale but rather to create an ongoing relationship with potential customers that leads them down the sales funnel over time. By building trust through meaningful interactions on digital channels before they purchase from you or your company, you create a better experience for them which increases their chances of becoming loyal customers who are more likely to recommend your product or service.

How Can You Use Social Selling Effectively?

There are several steps you can take to ensure that your social selling efforts are successful. The first step is identifying the right platform for your target audience – this could be Twitter for business-to-consumer (B2C) products or LinkedIn for business-to-business (B2B) products – as well as understanding who within those networks would be most interested in what you have to offer. Once you know this information, you can create content specifically tailored towards those people which will help establish yourself as an authority on the topic while also providing value to potential customers. It’s important when creating content that it not only resonates with your target audience but also stands out against other posts so that it gets noticed by users scrolling through their feeds quickly (this could involve using visuals such as images or videos). Next, engage with potential customers by responding quickly and thoughtfully when they comment on one of your posts or ask questions about something related to what you offer (this could involve suggesting resources they might find helpful). Finally, monitor conversations around topics related to what you offer so that any opportunities arise where there might be a need for what you have available – this will help keep track of potential leads who may need assistance from someone like yourself down the line!

Strategies For Taking Advantage Of The New Customer Journey

Once everything above has been taken care of, it’s time to implement strategies which will help make sure that any efforts put into building relationships with potential customers pays off when they go down the sales funnel over time! Here are three specific strategies which should prove beneficial:

  1. Personalization: Every customer journey should start off personalised; this means tailoring messages specifically towards each individual according to their interests/needs instead of sending out generic messages across all channels at once – this helps ensure all interactions feel tailored towards them rather than being just another blank face amongst many others! Additionally try adding notes/messages after each conversation so there’s always something differentiating one conversation from another – even if it’s just saying “Hope everything goes well! Take care :)”
  2. Proactive Outreach: Don’t wait around for leads; instead actively search out relevant conversations happening online where someone may need assistance from someone like yourself – this could include joining relevant LinkedIn groups where discussions about topics related occur regularly or answering questions people have posted publicly online about similar topics – doing so shows initiative and helps build trust between both parties faster than waiting around passively!
  3. Timing Is Everything: Keep track and monitor trends surrounding topics related what you offer; this helps determine when would be best times reach out and contact potential buyers based on current events/industry news – doing so allows us capitalize on opportunities present themselves during certain periods throughout year rather than waiting around hoping something happens naturally!


Social selling has become increasingly important in today’s world due its ability bridge gap between traditional marketing techniques and modern digital methods used reach audiences faster more efficiently than ever before; however having proper strategy place order take full advantage process essential if want reap maximum benefits possible from our efforts! By following tips outlined above we can ensure optimize our approach further increase the chance of success down road while also providing better experiences overall customers every step way along entire journey leading up final purchase decision being made.

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