Why Networking With Other Businesses Should Become The Norm

Estimated reading time: 3 mins

When we think about networking, we see it as an event where people show up to grab free things and leave. 

That may have been true at one point, but these days, marketing network events have evolved into so much more.

Customers enjoy networking events just as much as the businesses who set them up. Not only that, but actual industry networking events have gained more popularity due to changing market trends and demands.

Brand Visibility

Attending networking events is one of the best ways you can get noticed. In a way, it’s incredibly targeted advertising. You can show up to events with your latest products, or even just show up with old products. It’s likely someone will be interested.

There are two major types of network events. Customer networking events and business networking events.

Starting with customer networking events, these are the most common and are perhaps one you’ve been to. Food fairs are a networking event. If you’ve even been down to your local cheese festival or to a vegan market, you’ll see how important networking is to these businesses.

They will show up with some samples, a high amount of quantity to sell and hand out business cards/get people to sign up to newsletters. It’s a win-win for everyone.

Business networking events are similar, but with a key difference. The people in attendance are in the same industry of you, or are businesses that can help your business in some way. It’s a different type of advertise but working with other businesses is crucial.

Discover Innovations

Whether you’re networking at a conference or over a coffee, you’re sure to learn something you didn’t know previously.

Usually, this relates to innovation and ideas. Networking at an industry conference, let’s say, allows other businesses that might have inventions for a part of your business to make their case.

If your business was, for example, a pet company, and you needed to find new ways to sell dog food to have longer lasting shelf life, then you might attend a conference in the industrial packaging area of business.

There you would find multiple companies with new packaging machines and innovations. BluePrint Automation is one such innovative company who have invented new ways to package food, from frozen, fresh, dry and baked. 

They have a range of different typed of package machines that can produce doypacks, clipped, gusseted, carton or a classic four-sided sealed pouch. They are constantly innovating and have operations in over 57 countries, so you know what you’re getting.

General Advice 

Meeting other business folk, especially competitors is a great way to learn about how your business looks from the outside. Usually, those within the same industry will be like-minded, so if you’re struggling with elements of your business, you’ll be able to learn how to fix it. 

The same can be said for the reverse, perhaps you’ve got advice for others in your industry? Networking with other businesses benefits all. 

Attending these events essentially help you stay current, as the business world is ever changing.

Growing Connections

Coming out of these networking events, hopefully you would have made some usable connections such as industry leaders or new up and comers, even people at your level. These connections will be great for helping push your business on, in fact, it may just help you in ways you don’t know.Businesses need connections, the connections you make early will help you grow, but make no mistake, having connections even as a giant conglomerate is just as important for helping sustain that growth.

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