11 Project Management Tips for New Project Managers

Estimated reading time: 5 mins

A lot of people start out as project managers. However, in some cases, it takes more time to earn the responsibility and trust that comes with the position. This is especially true if you’re a beginner and you’re still trying to learn how to maximize the available resources and build the necessary skills to rock the world of project management.

Fortunately, it’s not impossible to achieve success as a new project manager. All you have to do is to keep the following tips in mind:

  1. Get To Know Your Project Management Tool

The project management software that you’ll be using to either launch or manage your project will be your best friend. With this in mind, you should know the ins and outs of the tool you’re using. If possible, ask for training for your team members before you get started with your project.

Find out what works best for you and your team. If you’re looking for top-of-the-line functionalities and features, look for a Trello alternative that offers the best of both worlds in terms of costs and productivity boost.

  1. Listen And Engage

You can never learn if you don’t listen. It’s time to soak everything up by paying attention to your team’s landscape and studying your customers and clients. You must also do your best to recognize the strengths of your team members, which is an essential skill to be a successful project manager.

Listening also provides you a good foundation for creating relationships. The more people you could get on your side from the start of the project until it’s completion, the more success you’ll enjoy. 

  1. Get Certified

An essential step in your career as a project manager is a project management certification, which can lead to greater responsibilities at work as well as a salary increase. Many certifications require additional experience and training that would improve your abilities as a project manager, which is why a lot of project managers try to qualify for them.

  1. Track Your Progress

Another important tip to achieve a successful project management career is to always track your progress. Consistent reporting is crucial. Without this, team members and managers couldn’t measure their progress accurately, which could inhibit their ability to meet the deadlines.

With project management technology, you can easily track your progress for every task and project. Just take advantage of Gantt charts and you’ll be able to know how much your teams have achieved and how far they are from the finish line.

  1. Find A Mentor

One of the things that can help you improve your project management skills is to find a mentor.  With a mentor, you’ll get the guidance and knowledge you need to be an effective project manager. You’ll also learn how to approach problems and think creatively.

A lot of organizations know the value of mentoring and would assign one to you as soon as possible. If that’s not the case, ask for mentors or at least pick the best one for yourself.

  1. Never Be Afraid Of Changes

Oftentimes, you’ll feel uncomfortable when there are changes. This is also the case for project management. Since change in this industry are inevitable, never get too stressed about them once they happen.

The best solution is to create your own change management plan, which can help you describe how requests are submitted to the project and how you’ll manage change requests. If the plan is understood and documented by every shareholder, you can manage through these changes without any issue.

  1. Build Trust

When it comes to project management, you should know that there aren’t any hidden tricks. As a project manager, you should learn how to build trust in your team. Trust that they’ll take full control of everything and they’ll quickly contact or send you a message if they can’t handle it.

Remember that you have a lot on your plates as it is, and being suspicious and unnecessarily worried about your team would just make matters worse. Take note that your primary job is to manage them. Respect their ideas, do what you do best, and let them do their best as well.

  1. Stay Flexible

Plans may change at any point, and this shouldn’t be a cause for alarm. As a project manager, you should be able to easily adjust your plans on your timeline, and you can do this with the right tools. 

Using the right project management tool, you may also assign more team members to assignments so they’re done immediately or change a task’s urgency. You may do all of this in a few seconds, so there’s no need to rework your timeline. With just a few clicks, your tool can help you stay flexible.

  1. Be Transparent

Being honest and open with your team is crucial. Discuss the potential threats, obstacles, and risks you may encounter. Once you’re done discussing them beforehand and everybody’s aware of such potential problems, the odds of overcoming them are greater than keeping them to yourself. Take note that there’s no “I” in a team.

  1. Try Challenging Your Ideas

In project management, just because something works great doesn’t necessarily mean that improvements won’t be needed. If you have time to think about the ways to make ideas better, do it by all means.

If you can’t understand something, ask for better explanations. There’s no such thing as dumb questions. You have a team of experts. So, don’t hesitate to ask them what they can do, jot their ideas down, and change things up.

  1. Always Know Your Limits

It would be best if you can stay awake for days to get all the work done. The reality of this is that everybody is human. Knowing when to say no is an important trait that you’ve been brainwashed to think is bad. If you can’t get a new project, that’s okay and it isn’t the end of the world. There could be more. Just don’t let your weakness define you and never let your strengths limit you. 

Make sure to challenge yourself, but never overwhelm your team or yourself. If you dedicate the necessary amount of resources and time into making your project amazing, you’ll get some new clients who will be more willing to work with you.


Project management changes daily. However, it doesn’t mean that you can’t be an expert. Take each piece of advice you get and use that to your advantage. Just make sure to treat all of your projects properly as your team’s reputation depends on it. Moreover, be prepared to learn and you’ll surely do great as a project manager, regardless of your years of experience.

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