November 2019

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What’s Relevant in Digital Marketing for the Coming Year?

Digital marketing evolves over time. To keep up, it’s necessary to evolve with it or get left behind. Sometimes, this leads to entirely new practices or marketing methods being invented. Other times, existing ones are refined or taken to the next level. Let’s look at what’s becoming relevant for the coming year in digital marketing.

What’s Relevant in Digital Marketing for the Coming Year? Read More »

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Ways To Stay Healthy As An Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs must always look after their company’s financial health. However, it’s important to get in shape yourself too. While entrepreneurship is certainly rewarding, the demands of running a business take a toll. The biggest issue for entrepreneurs is that they put their ventures first. They’re so excited about their business ideas that they don’t take

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How To Improve Communication In The Workplace

Good communication is essential in the workplace. Teams working together need to communicate effectively to improve productivity and the quality of work produced. Communication can be hard to achieve in a modern office, with more focus on technology and working from home than on effective in-office communicating.  Office Design The design of your office can

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This Is How To Build A Robust Relationship with Your Target Demographic

Your target demographic are the people that you want to buy your product. Therefore doing everything you can to develop a strong and positive relationship with them is critical. After all, a strong relationship should ensure that when it comes to making a purchase, it is always your business that they think of first. Luckily,

This Is How To Build A Robust Relationship with Your Target Demographic Read More »

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