January 2019

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Essential tips for eLearning businesses to convert PPC (pay-per-click) into EPC (earn-per-click) efficiently

PPC is a useful addition for an eLearning business online. You developed a perfect eLearning course with all the dedication and are using PPC to market it online. Clean. Businesses even make an average of $2 in income for every $1 they spend on PPC. But does it always pay off that well? Well, there’s […]

Essential tips for eLearning businesses to convert PPC (pay-per-click) into EPC (earn-per-click) efficiently Read More »

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5 Entrepreneurial Opportunities in the Restaurant Industry

Business ideas are aplenty in the millennium that pushes for creative thinking and funds fresh ideas. Because people are more health conscious now and because people are more inclined to buy fresh and delicious fare, the restaurant business amongst all other business ideas are booming. You would probably encounter a new themed restaurant in your

5 Entrepreneurial Opportunities in the Restaurant Industry Read More »

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Managing Your Online Reputation to Avoid Problems with Potential Employers

When you’re planning to pursue a promotion at your current job or to look outside to apply elsewhere, this is a time when a company will look into your background. An existing employer probably has already done this, but it could be some years ago if you’ve worked for them for a while already. Also,

Managing Your Online Reputation to Avoid Problems with Potential Employers Read More »

real estate

4 Secrets to Closing Deals as a Real Estate Agent

Real estate is a growing industry. Research suggests that the U.S. residential real estate market is worth $31.8 trillion – and that doesn’t even include commercial or industrial real estate. As the real estate market grows, there are more jobs for real estate agents, property managers, real estate analysts, and brokers. Rising property values are

4 Secrets to Closing Deals as a Real Estate Agent Read More »

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5 Reasons You Should Never Work for Yourself (If You Plan on Going Back)

According to a study conducted by Vistaprint, 62 percent of Americans dream of owning their own business and want to make that dream a reality. For approximately six percent of the US population, that dream has already come to fruition since they own a business and it acts as their main job. Although not everyone who dreams

5 Reasons You Should Never Work for Yourself (If You Plan on Going Back) Read More »

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