August 2017

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The Benefits Of Knowing Your Limitations As An Entrepreneur

When it comes to the business world, you won’t hear too many entrepreneurs talking about their limitations. Instead, you’ll see a confident man or woman at the helm of a company. They might look charismatic; they will certainly talk about big ideas. They’ll seem like an entrepreneur, that’s for certain. The problem is, these types

The Benefits Of Knowing Your Limitations As An Entrepreneur Read More »


Paperwork Pointers For Managers Who Can’t Stomach The Stuff

When you’re swept away with a good business idea, you may fail to consider even the most basic things, such as finance, or how to actually produce that product you’re excited about. Even when you find those answers, there’s more to think about, such as hiring, or the much-dreaded paperwork. Which, by the way, is

Paperwork Pointers For Managers Who Can’t Stomach The Stuff Read More »

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Fight Off The Freelance Competition By Creating A Website

Regardless of what career path you go down, there will always be some form of competition. Whether it’s other candidates applying for the same job as you or fellow employees vying for that promotion – you’ll have competitors and rivals. Saying that freelancers are perhaps the group of people with the most competition out there.

Fight Off The Freelance Competition By Creating A Website Read More »


Keeping Your Employees As Safe As Possible Is Your Responsibility As Employer

Hiring a team of employees isn’t a singular act, it’s a continual and engaged process that must be nurtured and developed. Over and above simply making sure your employees arrive to work on time and do the work they are hired to do, it’s important that you also give them the space necessary to complete

Keeping Your Employees As Safe As Possible Is Your Responsibility As Employer Read More »

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Forget Silicon Valley: How Do People With Capital-Intensive Business Ideas Get Funding?

In the past, startups were hard to come by. The reason? Starting up a business was an incredibly expensive endeavor. The majority of people who did succeed and grew their businesses to their full potential did so only after bootstrapping for years on end, if not decades. Buying the capital needed to build a factory

Forget Silicon Valley: How Do People With Capital-Intensive Business Ideas Get Funding? Read More »

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