Promises, Promises… (and other crap you might receive in your inbox)

Estimated reading time: 1 mins

Most of us are wise to the so called ‘419’ scams, and other ‘advanced fee’ con-tricks – and how to recognize them. And all the chaps who needed a penis enlargement have had one, so that market has dried up too. So fraudsters have moved on to more sophisticated gambits that promise solutions to our worries and concerns. Don’t be fooled!

Today, I received unsolicited emails (spam) promising me:

  • Medical plans that better my current one
  • Replica watches that will fool my friends
  • A neuropathy treatment
  • A trader app that will allow me to withdraw $7,000 – $12,000 per day
  • Prepaid gas cards
  • A wonderful timeshare opportunity
  • A rare metal that will change my financial status forever
  • No more forgetfulness
  • Immediate partial dentures
  • Home insurance rates that I can’t get anywhere else

Such promises will surely enrich my life, right?

The spammers behind these emails rely on now being the opportune moment where your problem is grave enough, and you are desperate enough, to hope that your problem can be solved by their ‘solution’. Ergo, emails offering penis enlargement. The probability is low, but the sheer size of their distribution list results in enough poor suckers taking the bait.

These spammers peddle hope, and deliver disappointment.

Worse still, it can be downright dangerous. Fake drugs are widespread on the web.

The best place for emails like this is in the trashcan. I don’t even click on the ‘unsubscribe’ links the spammers sometimes kindly provide, because all that does is confirm that my email address is valid and that I have an active inbox. Don’t click unsubscribe from a list you did not subscribe to! Instead, block the sender and mark the email as spam in your email reader.

Best advice – assume all email is fake or fraudulent until you’re 100% convinced otherwise. Most of what you receive is fake and a scam – you have been warned! Don’t fall for it. Even if it looks genuine, and appears to be from a reputable organization or one you currently are a customer of, such as your bank. Here are some tips on how to tell if an email is phishing or spoofing.

If I am desperate enough to require an immediate solution for a problem, I will make my own search of reputable outlets. I suggest you do the same!

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