August 2008

Outer-vation – How To Get Innovation From the Outside

Although it is very true that the best innovation comes from inside your organization, sometimes it is preferable to seek outside help from unusual sources. Innovation is about doing things better. It’s also about challenging one-self and the status-quo we find ourselves in, and it can result in major step-change as well as continuous improvement. […]

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The Penetration of Enterprise Mindmapping Tools & Technology

Have you used mindmapping as a communication tool? Mindmapping is not new (in fact it has been used for centuries), but it is becoming increasingly popular in business as a tool for organizing thoughts and ideas for personal use and more increasingly in teams over the enterprise. What’s more, the output of mindmapping tools are

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bad boss

Brilliant Basics: When Good People Become Bad Bosses

As soon as the word bad boss is mentioned most people start imagining pictures of a wicked person, a crook, a tyrant, a scheming backstabbing individual, a selfish ogre, etc. And typical textbook definitions of a bad boss is one who screams, threatens, intimidates, grabs credit, fires people, throttles people’s necks and so on. While

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Money Isn’t Everything, According to IT Professionals (who responded)

I’ve just read an excellent article, written by Ann All, on the IT Business Edge website that discusses the working environment that IT professionals prefer to work in. What I like about it is Ann’s honest view about the conclusion that IT people like to work in a positive, challenging environment. I’m pleased that IT people

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8 Easy Tips on How To Create a Professional Image as a Freelance Developer

I have been a developer myself, and I know many developers. The nature of these beasts, in general terms, tends to be outside of the ‘corporate norm’, as quite frankly, development requires abnormal skills (I mean that in the nice way!) However, customers and colleagues of developers who fit in with the norm can sometimes

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5 Reasons Why Lightworkers (in IT) are like Luke Skywalker

I’ve often written about Lightworkers and Darkworkers. There are similarities between the boy-hero and Lightworkers I thought might be fun. He trusted his instinct and acted upon it:Luke Skywalker in Star Wars: A New Hope switched off his targetting computer and trusts his instinct when firing that bomb thing into the Death Star. What a guy. Lightworkers

5 Reasons Why Lightworkers (in IT) are like Luke Skywalker Read More »

12 Behaviors Most Disliked by IT Professionals

Opinion isn’t one-sided! In response to my recent article on the 11 behaviors most disliked by IT leaders, here are the 12 behaviors most disliked by IT workers of their managers/leaders. This list was created from surveying some of the IT professionals I know and connect with from a number of countries and industries (56

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