law enforcement

DUI Checkpoint

Fighting DUI Charges: Mind What You Say and Do at the Checkpoint

Driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol can lead to dire consequences. As a result, law enforcement is particularly strict about drunk driving. For drivers, the cost of a DUI conviction can be life-changing, with penalties ranging from steep monetary fines to years of jail time. If you show obvious signs of intoxication or fail […]

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auto accident

What to Do If a Drunk Driver Hits You

In the U.S., an average of 1.5 people die every hour from accidents caused by drunk drivers, as shown in a 2022 report by the U.S. Department of Transportation. This does not even account for the number of victims who suffer severe injuries or the $44 billion in annual damages that come from thousands of lawsuits

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What Are the Economic Consequences of Drinking and Driving?

There’s no mystery that drinking and driving has many serious implications for anyone who is found doing it. Fines, license suspension, and even jail time are the primary penalties that a drunk driver faces. However, there are also significant consequences for the economy as a result of their foolish behavior. According to recent data, “the

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