interview preparation

What Are You Looking for in Your Next Job?

What Are You Looking for in Your Next Job? (With 5 Awesome Example Answers)

We explore factors to consider when looking for a new job and provide 5 example answers to the common interview question, “What are you looking for in your next job?”

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How to Research an Employer Before You Go to Your Interview

How to Research an Employer Before You Go to Your Interview

A job interview can be both an exciting and nerve-wracking experience. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to research an employer before your interview.

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business financing

How to Choose Small Business Financing: Loan or Investment?

This in-depth post delves into the world of small business financing, exploring loans and investments, to help you decide which path is best for your business.

How to Choose Small Business Financing: Loan or Investment? Read More »

What are you looking for in your next job?

‘What Are You Looking for in Your Next Job?’ (With Examples)

Navigating a job interview can be a complex task, especially when faced with the pivotal question, “What are you looking for in your next job?”

‘What Are You Looking for in Your Next Job?’ (With Examples) Read More »

What Research Will Help Prepare You Before You Apply for a Job

What Research Will Help Prepare You Before You Apply for a Job?

What research will help prepare you before you apply for a job? One of the most crucial steps before applying for a job is conducting thorough research.

What Research Will Help Prepare You Before You Apply for a Job? Read More »

time management questions

How to Answer Time Management Questions in an Interview

Interviewers ask time management questions to measure your time management skills and how you handle the daily grind and to thrive in a fast-paced environment.

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How Do You Prioritize Your Work Sample Answer

How to Answer Interview Question: How Do You Prioritize Your Work?

When asked ‘How Do You Prioritize Your Work?’, it’s crucial to showcase how you handle multiple responsibilities while maintaining high-quality output.

How to Answer Interview Question: How Do You Prioritize Your Work? Read More »

Do You Want to Tell Us Anything Else About You?

How to Answer ‘Do You Want to Tell Us Anything Else About You?’

Towards the end of an interview, a question that often takes many by surprise is: “Do you want to tell us anything else about you?”

How to Answer ‘Do You Want to Tell Us Anything Else About You?’ Read More »

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How to Know When You Probably HAVE Got the Job Within 2 Minutes of an Interview

In this article, we’ll explore the early signs that suggest you’ve got the job, even within the first two minutes of an intervie

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10 Subtle Ways of Standing Out at a Job Interview

The interview is the last step between you and your dream job. Countless applicants have applied for the job, but there is only one position available. You need interviewing skills which make you shine above the competition. Here are 10 subtle ways to make yourself stand out above the other applicants.

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A Killer Interview Tactic Revealed…

A compelling resume with a distinctive cover letter gets you the interview. You put on your sharp suit with your polished shoes . You’ve prepared answers to those awkward questions . Is this enough to land the dream job? Maybe, but here is a tactic I discovered that will bring you to the top of

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What is the Best Way to Prepare for an Interview? (Part Three)

Your ‘big day’ has arrived. Your interview is now. How are you making the final preparations?In Part One of this series we looked at how to prepare in advance for an interview, in particularly, how to build confidence that you have the best answers for the ‘tricky’ questions that always get asked. Interviews are a

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What is the Best Way to Prepare for an Interview? (Part Two)

In Part One of this series we took a look at interview preparation by considering our confidence and nervousness before the event. This time we’re considering the importance of know what we want to get from an interview and we’ll also be looking at how we might dress for an interview.It’s fair to say that

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shaking hands

What is the Best Way to Prepare for an Interview? (Part One)

Flunking an Interview is so disheartening. Not just because we fail to land the job we’ve banked on getting, but think about all the time and energy we’ve put into even getting in front of the interview panel, particularly if you’ve adopted guerrilla tactics and found a job that didn’t even exist before you created

What is the Best Way to Prepare for an Interview? (Part One) Read More »

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