Why B2B Social Marketing is as Important as B2C Social Marketing

B2B marketing has shown that when the strategies are implemented properly, it can be a powerful tool for the generation of leads, new customer acquisition, and thought leadership.

In my opinion, the most effective tool for successful B2B efforts is content marketing, which is followed by social media, email and mobile marketing. By Digital marketing, you want them to realize you are leader in their industry.

B2B Social Media: Smart Actions for Success

There are a number of businesses that try to draw attention by pointing at themselves on a daily basis, in hopes they will attract customers. The fact is that this strategy simply does not work. Instead, it’s far more effective use an education based approach to your social media marketing efforts. You should show other businesses that may be following your company feed that you truly “get it.” This means that you are retweeting smart, valuable posts, adding key insights from the industry and sharing your knowledge with the influencers of the industry. When you are an active participant on social media, it will help to create new sales leads for your business and then grow the network you have.

The brand that is delivered via social media has to align with the B2B organizations mission, value proposition and brand promise. In order to choose the proper platform, you should consider the following factors:

  • Audience of a particular network.
  • Types of audience members.
  • Purpose of the actual social network.
  • Tone of the network.
  • Engagement levels of the network.

Preferred Platforms for B2B Social Media Marketing

Social media platforms are definitely a dime a dozen, with new ones popping up on a daily basis. However, when you have a specific goal of targeting other businesses for your, and their, benefit, there are some platforms that offer a better opportunity to do this than others.


Google+ is an up-and-coming star in the realm of social networks for businesses. With more members than Pinterest, LinkedIn and Twitter, you can clearly see the potential of this platform.

When you place content on Google+ it has the perfect opportunity to rank at a higher level since the content will be fed in to the personal search results of your actual Google+ circles. Additionally, when you post feature rich content, such as video and images, you will gain even more exposure.


Twitter is the social media platform that offers the easiest way for a busy professional to get a message out. Twitter allows you to provide quick information with backlinks to your website or blog.

There are three main components that make up B2B marketing: strong online brand, thought leadership and online reputation, which are all areas where Twitter can be extremely useful. In fact the mobile app for twitter allows anyone to tweet 24/7, quickly and efficiently. The fact is that Twitter is the “news breaking” platform where real time conversations are going on. Twitter offers a strong social media tool

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