How To Ask For A Performance Review

Are you ready for a performance review? Discover how to ask for one right here.

A Performance Review (sometimes called a Performance Appraisal) is a golden opportunity for employees to learn how they are performing in the workplace. It is a way of getting feedback on how successful our contribution to the organization is and understanding the success of our interactions with colleagues. Also, we can learn how we are progressing against our goals and then set new goals that will be reviewed during our next review. Reviews can build confidence that we know we are on the right track, or provide us with valuable insight on areas we should improve. It is a win-win for employer and employee, as both sides can learn about each other because of the process.

Related: How To Answer Performance Review Questions – Like a Pro

Not all organizations use Performance Reviews, however, particularly in small and medium size organizations. This is often because of inexperience in managers, or it is seen as an unnecessary or expensive business overhead. So if you don’t regularly receive Performance Reviews, what can we do to ask for one?

There are a few tricks which we can employ to request a review with our manager.

1. Ask for a one to one meeting with our manager, preferably set in a quiet and discreet location. Tell your boss that you want specific feedback on your performance and to understand the things you are doing well, and not so well.

2. Ask your boss for a discussion on your achievements during the recent period and request that he or she comes prepared with some thoughts.

3. Ask your manager if you both can hold short weekly meetings to discuss the previous week and the coming week. Set small goals that you must achieve and review.

4. Document the goals you would like to achieve in the longer term, e.g. over a six-month period, and ask your boss if you can review them at the end of that period. Your goals can be very specific to your job, and also consider agreeing goals that extend your interactions with your colleagues. Also, make sure your goals are S.M.A.R.T. objectives.

5. Make suggestions to your boss on how your organization can improve its products or services and propose how you could contribute, and then ask for a time and date to review your suggestions and then subsequent actions you agree.

6. In all the above cases, it is vital that you perform a ‘self-assessment’, i.e. make your own conclusions on your performance, including the things you have done well and the things you think you can improve on.

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