How Forums Can Improve Your Website Profits

It is no secret that most websites are created with the purpose of profit in mind. With the amount of competition out there, quite a big number of sites end up crashing down, without making any money. Those who do not want to end up in the same boat should consider making a somewhat different approach and look for ways to bring something unique to the table. A good example of this could be forums, a source of traffic that gets overlooked nowadays.

What It Means From a Broad Perspective

Some would argue that content is the best indicator of how good a website is. However, there is an argument to be made against this train of thought. A number of websites get a lot of traffic because of other reasons, and if you have been using the internet for many years, it should be obvious. Well, whatever the case may be, most sites are there to bring profit. And the biggest challenge for beginners is finding a formula that works and ensures that there is a steady flow of income. One way to get things done in a different manner is by adding a forum to the equation. If you are still not convinced with it, then continue to read and see what a forum can bring to the table.

Content for Users by Users

The main purpose of a forum is having a place for discussions. Everybody can register a profile and engage in a conversation that is already there or create a new thread and incentivize others to join. Having someone to take their time and write on your page is an excellent indicator that you have done things the right way. Hardly anyone would be willing to spend their time on a random website.

If you can get a snowball effect going here by having more people join every day, your website’s value will increase by tenfold.

It Leads to a Better Engagement Rate

If you compare forums to a live chat, they are not the same. It is possible that you will need to wait for a reply, even for a few days. However, this does mean that a user that has asked for help will be back to check whether someone gave an answer. These constant returns show an interest of such users. More points for the website.

Building a Community

An idea that connects others is what forum can give. A community is beneficial for a number of reasons, especially in the world of internet marketing. First of all, it is a sign of loyalty. Secondly, it maintains authenticity. And thirdly, it leads to innovation and reinvention because those who love something want for it to prosper. As an owner, you do not have the room to remain stagnant and be unwilling to adapt.

A Place to Find Answers

An FAQ section does not cut it if you have a lot of different questions that need an answer, and the information changes all the time. Forum, meanwhile, will have more than one person who will know the answer, and those who make inquiries can expect to see a response sooner or later.


Speaking strictly about traffic, forum posts are content, and you can see improvements to long-tail keywords, which are considered to be one of the most valuable parts of search engine optimization. Not to mention the fact that you might start ranking for keywords that you yourself would never have thought of. Receiving organic traffic is crucial for any website that wants to be in the game for a long time.

Taking Things to Another Level

A forum that has an established user base can start to bring profits from ads, invites, and VIP memberships. While the method is impossible at the beginning, you can accomplish that with enough persistence.

To make a conclusion, everything mentioned above will bring you the traffic and profits. So stop waiting and start with something as simple as a WordPress forum theme that integrates with bbPress. Once the forum is up, don’t wait and advertise it.

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