6 Underrated Ways to Market Your Business

All businesses know the importance of marketing. In an age where competition for customers is more intense than ever before, marketing forms an essential part of any business’s operations. Indeed, virtually every modern business knows that they have to invest in their site’s SEO and try to build a loyal following on social media. 

But there are also other, often underused marketing strategies that can be highly effective. In this post, we’ll run through some of the best that businesses wishing to diversify their marketing strategies can deploy. The ideas outlined below will have some influence individually, but when grouped together, can have a profoundly positive impact on a brand’s marketing results. 

Ask For Reviews

Did you know that people are as likely to trust the opinions of internet strangers as they are family members or friends? Obviously, this doesn’t apply to all reviews, but rather to ones that appear genuine, are informative, and so forth. So it’s in your interest to have positive reviews on the leading review sites, and especially on your Google My Business page. If you don’t currently have many reviews, then consider asking your happy customers to write a few words. Most people are happy to support a small business in this way, especially since it doesn’t cost them anything. 

In-Person Promotion

You never know when you might meet someone who is interested in your business. In this day and age, we tend to think everyone finds us by Google. But think about this: the people who are using the internet are the same ones that you’ll be interacting with out there in the real world. So why not let those people know about your business? Carry some bespoke business cards in your wallet, and if you sense an opportunity, hand it out. It’s an easy way to build organic interest in your brand, and in any case, the more people that know about your business, the more likely it is that you’ll win customers. 

Host an Event

Hosting an event is an excellent way to attract people to your business. If nothing else, it functions as good brand exposure, and you’ll often find that hosting events is a fun project that sparks new ideas. The type of event you host will depend on the type of business you run. If you’re a coffee shop, for example, then you may host poetry readings or concerts. If you’re an online SaaS business, then you may host online events about themes related to your sector. You don’t need to curate your event through the lens of marketing. Just have fun putting together a valuable event, and the marketing benefits will inevitably follow. 

Collaborate With Other Businesses

We tend to think of marketing as a way to get on top of other businesses. But that’s not always the case. There are ways to market your business in conjunction with other businesses, who also get the same benefit. The trick is to find businesses that are thematically similar to yours, without being direct competition. In the process, you’ll get access to their current customer base, and they’ll get access to yours. It’s best to force a collaboration, but if one feels natural and mutually beneficial, then give it a try. 

Win an Award

You might think you’re the best around, but it’ll be more special if other people think you’re the best around. Winning an award is an achievement in itself, but it’s also something you can use time and time again in your marketing strategy. Indeed, win an award in 2024, and it could still take pride of place on your website in 2025 and beyond (there’s an upper limit, though — after a few years, take it down unless you’ve won a more recent award). 

So how do you win an award? First, search online for awards relating to your industry/region, then follow the submission guidelines. After that, it’ll be all about hoping that you win or get shortlisted!

Exhibit at a Trade Show

Finally, consider taking your business on the road and exhibiting at a trade show. This is a great opportunity to get your business in front of faces who may otherwise never know about you. Plus, it’ll give you a chance to interact with interested parties in a direct way, which will allow you to gather feedback in real-time. Take a look at which trade shows are happening in the next months, put together a stand, select your best team members, and get out there for some real-world marketing.

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