10 Performance Review Affirmations

A Performance Review/Appraisal is an important element of your career and personal development. The thing is, many employees don’t really know why they have them, and see them as an opportunity to be scolded or criticized. This isn’t their purpose!

Your Performance Review is a golden opportunity to learn more about your performance and develop new skills. It isn’t always about the ‘tasks’ you perform – they should also discuss behavioral competencies that are essential for working in an organization and as a corporate citizen.

The mindset must be right to get the most from your Performance Review. Don’t look at it as something ‘done’ to you. Consider it as an investment in your future, and to get the most from your investment, you will be required to play ball. And remember, your Performance Review is YOUR opportunity to give feedback to your boss about their performance too – for example you could discuss examples where their support has helped you, or lack of support has hindered you.

Are you clear on the point of your Performance Review yet?

I’ve gathered ’10 affirmations’ below to help remind you what its all about, and burn these into your head before your scheduled review begins.

1. Your Performance Review gives you Feedback, not Criticism
2. Your Performance Review is for Your Personal Development
3. Your Performance Review is a Learning Experience
4. Your Performance Review is an Investment In You
5. Your Performance Review is Your Opportunity to Give Feedback to Your Boss
6. Your Performance Review sets S.M.A.R.T. Objectives for the Future (look it up!)
7. Your Performance Review References Examples of Your Behavior
8. Your Performance Review is a Two-Way Street
9. Your Performance Review Gives You Confidence to Progress
10. Your Performance Review is as Important to Your Boss as it is to You

Similarly, there is a great post on the HRMorning blog which are ’10 commandments’ of reviews for employees. This is a great list to set the scene on what to do, and not do, in your Performance Review.

The only one I don’t agree with in this list is ‘Focus on the small picture’, which advises you to focus only on yourself. I think this is a good thing when reviewing only on past performance, but reviews should also discuss the future and how you will be measured next time. Then, you must talk business and your contribution to it.

Lastly, make sure your Performance Review is about FACT. Anything other than the truth, in a review, makes a mockery of the process. It’s so easy, I’ll be honest, to get emotional in your review, especially when faced with feedback that hits hard (which it can often do). Becoming over-emotional leads both you and your manager to move onto a very different kind of conversation which is probably best described as dysfunctional!

Maureen Collins writes a great piece on making sure your review is about fact, by suggesting you avoid 4 common mistakes.

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