Could It Be The Time To Launch A Creative Business?

We’re all going through a strange period right now, aren’t we? There’s a lot more time, but also a lot less. Because there’s something about having free time that makes it fly by. Or just generally being in a bit more of a panic that makes you feel less in the mood to get things done. However, if you have always wanted a career change and you have been putting it off for a while, maybe now is the time to do something about it? Because, technically, you could have the time to launch something exciting? Maybe you’ve always wanted to start a creative venture? Let’s take a look at how.


If you have always wanted to be a writer, then you may have heard everyone talking about writing a book in isolation. After all, you have the time – don’t you? So it can be a great idea to get started. And, if you do find that you have the time, it could actually be a good idea for you. Just as long as you’re not putting too much pressure on yourself. The idea here is for you to just write and see where you end up. Don’t overthink it or worry, just write and see!


If writing isn’t quite your thing, it could be that you want to go with something more visual? Are you an illustrator? Or have you always wanted to draw a lot more? Then why not work on your talents now? It could be the perfect time to get an art business up and running.

Creating Something

Or maybe you want to be able to create something physically? If you have always wanted to be a jewellery designer or to create art or things for the home, maybe now is the time? If you’re at home and wanting to learn a craft, order the supplies you need and get started. When you have your materials, hot melt adhesive, and plans for what you’re creating, all you need to do is practice. And, luckily for us all, there are YouTube videos out there to help.

A Creative Service

Sometimes, it’s less of a product that you want to create and more of a service. Do you want to set up a coaching or consulting service to help others? Maybe now is the time for you to do exactly that?

How To Get There

Finally, you may also be wondering exactly what you can do right now to make that happen. Although many of us have the time, what we are lacking in is inspiration or the knowledge to make it happen. While the focus should come in time, especially when you start to get excited about the ideas, it’s the knowledge you need to find. And, luckily for us all, there’s a plethora at our fingertips. YouTube videos and courses could help you to get started on that creative business part and transform what could otherwise be a very difficult time.

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